You, the customer agrees to provide their basic contact data to obtain the code for the News Ticker Widget, aka our product. Currently, we grant a license for the free usage of our product. You may deploy our product by installing the code provided. We may contact you, the customer to verify the purpose or intent of our product usage. We reserve the right to revoke our service at short notice for any reason. Our product is designed for intranet or public websites of our customers. We also have to track the usage of our product in order to improve our service and the user experience. Currently our product is offered in vertical and horizontal layout with the flexibility of custom calibration of pixel widths and heights in order to to adjust our customers‘ website layouts. We are not liable for the content or website links. The content is derived from our platform, whereby we have logistics news stemming from our customers, presse releases or other logistics newspapers from their so called RSS feeds.

Any violations of the terms will automatically terminate further usage of this software license agreement. A violation is anything illegal or unlawful.

The code for the News Ticker Widget will appear after you submit your data. The operator of our product is, a portal of Logistics Publishing Ltd. from Cork, Ireland.

Please confirm that you have read this News Ticker Widget Software License Agreement and agree to these terms.